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Feature Presentation
for Spring

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Harness the Energy of Spring. 

It's the season of new birth, renewal, planting of seeds, vibrant colour, longer daylight, and energy bursting forth. 

Living in the tropics, with less noticeable seasonal change, we are at risk of being out of rhythm with the seasons.

In this workshop, participants prune an energy draining behaviour, learn 3 daily energy-boosting techniques, and are renewed for recommitment to goals and living life with passion.

Team Meeting

Together We Achieve More

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Through interactive exercises and sharing, participants learn how co-operation, trust, appreciation and integrity are a personal responsibility. The goal: to create a healthy work environment resulting in successful fulfillment of the purposes and functions of the business. Plus, a positive work experience for staff. 


For all levels of Employees &   Managers.

The Benefits of Physical Activity

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The Benefits of Physical Activity for Brain and Body.


Understanding the many, and significant, benefits, of regular exercise, participants become inspired to increase everyday movement. They uncover obstacles that get in the way, determine what works for them, and develop a personal plan for improving the quality of their moods (and life) with physical activity.

Additional Presentations 

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