Let's Have Coffee
For Managers & Employees
Even the CEO or Business Owner
Confidential Life Coaching
Many people are struggling in silence, trying to cope.
Some feel as if they have nobody to talk to, and they don't .
Current issues confronting people are concerns about the high cost of living, affordable housing,
a general sense of anxiety, fear about global events, daily stressors that have a negative impact (work/life balance, traffic), parenting responsibilities, caring for unwell or aging loved ones, substance abuse, weight imbalance, and personal medical & emotional health.
Provide a safe, confidential, space for your valuable staff of employees (on all levels) to discuss (One-On-One) life, health, family, financial, and relational challenges.
Private Laser-Focused Coaching Sessions:
1+ hour Coaching Sessions
...either at the office, or discreetly away or
virtual coaching from the convenience of home or office.
Enroll 6 or more employees and receive 20% savings.
How It Works - 3 Simple Steps
Let your employees know about this new Company Wellness Initiative.
Each person determines the topic and convenient time for the coaching session. Click Here for a Suggested List of Coaching Topics.
I simply invoice your company (including signed documentation of proof of coaching from participant) and send follow-up session notes to each participant.

Sharing Private, Close-to-the-Heart Matters
(in Group Sessions) is Difficult and Does Not Happen
for Most People.
Provide a Safe and Confidential Space for People to Talk.
Laser-Coaching Office Day

Mini-Laser-Coaching Session
Per Employee
1. Select a 1/2 day or full day for your Office Laser- Coaching (depending upon number of employees)
2. Arrange a private meeting space
3. Schedule a 30-minute session for each participant
4. Provide participants with a list of coaching topics (provided by Donna)
5. Send Donna participants name and their chosen area for coaching
6. A positive, welcoming, and confidential experience awaits each person
6. ​Each participant will receive an email with follow-up support materials and referral links where relevant.
Coaching Fees: $50.00 Per Participant
Enroll 6 or More and Receive 20% Discount
It was extremely rewarding for me to offer a listening, compassionate ear, and assist a person suffering from unexpressed grief during a Laser-Coaching Day at the then UBS Cayman.