
Your Healthy You
Your Healthy You
Develop a mindset for success
and maintain your healthy weight - for the rest of your life
That's My Success Story, and What Want for You!

Listen in to Donna and
"The Test Dress"

No restrictive diet plans!
Personalize your own way of eating
Make healthier choices & feel satisfied
Develop skills for managing social events, travel, and times of stress

Imagine sliding into those smaller sizes at the back of your closet
Seeing improved medical results
Taking part in activities you lacked the confidence in before
Feeling the satisfaction that comes from taking action and caring for your health
Private &
Group Coachin & Courses
Not Sure?
Let's Chat.
I know how scary it can be to commit to losing weight. I've been there.
Guiding you develop your own personalized, sustainable, lifestyle plan is the goal. Find out what courses and coaching involve by requesting a PDF document with details.

Your Healthy You
Transform Your Mind to Success Mode, Overcome Self-Limiting Beliefs, Forget Past Experiences, Discover Easy Ways to Eat Well, and Begin a Journey of Self-Discovery to Your Healthiest You.
The process of lifestyle improvement and personal transformation is exciting.
I even wrote a book to assist you on your journey:
New Shoes, a Journey of Self-Discovery. Read More About It.
I work closely with people who are invested in their own health and wellness and who desire to become goal achievers - finishers. ​​​​​