As we sit poised on the edge of 2023, many people will interpret this time of year as a catalyst for change and self-improvement, as an opportunity to launch a new beginning - to start over, to give up a habit, or make big, life-altering decision. This is usually accompanied with hopeful anticipation that the New Year will be better than the last.
Setting goals, drumming up your resolve (part of making a resolution) or simply dipping into your dream basket for inspiration for your next chapter in life, is a healthy and productive act.
Beware of naysayers of 'resolutions, goals, intentions'.
Goals help you get on target and move from where you are to where you want to be.
The Concept of Change
Clinical Psychology outlines 5 predictable stages of change. (I added a Stage.)
Pre-Contemplation. No thoughts or desire for change at all
Contemplation. You begin to acknowledge that a problem exists or that you might want to consider making changes in some area
Preparation. You enter this stage only when you make a solid commitment (promise to self or others) to change. You start looking for help, solutions, support
Action. You take a step. You sign up for a group course, invest in life coaching, get a gym membership, buy new walking shoes, start walking
Endurance. You continue efforts over the long-term and keep going in spite of setbacks. (I added this stage. In weight loss (my specialty) I help people in this stage to finish)
Maintenance. You achieved success (gave up smoking, made it to your healthiest weight), and a new challenge emerges: Staying there.
Huge changes are not necessarily what this blog is about. You may be too overwhelmed or tired at this moment to contemplate any change and self-improvement.
Life certainly has been somersaulting cost of living, war, uncertainty....
Know that you will again feel inspired. Change is essential in life.
Simple and small changes (declutter your mess, create a menu plan, start being on time) produce productivity, positivity, health, wellbeing, and a sense of satisfaction...
all resulting in an improved attitude and peace of mind.
In which life area would you like to see improvements?
Health and Wellness
Career and Business
Daily Lifestyle
A Habit: smoking, drinking too much, overeating, overspending
Family Time
Work/Life Balance
Fun and Recreation
and: What is your Stage of Change in Relation to the Areas You Identified?
As Always, You Get to Choose....
Wait for the New Year, or Step into a Stage of Change Today?
Just Ahead:
December & January Newsletters will Highlight What I Have to Offer You in Your Process of Change!